Single Touch Payroll import specification document

GovReports accepts STP in CSV file format. The specification of the file is given below:

Click on the file name to download the template file STP_Template.csv.

S.No. Item Data Type Length Mandatory Sample Description
1 PayrollID string 200 Yes 55698 Employee Payroll ID
2 TFN string 9 Yes 100000001 Employee TFN
3 ContractorABN string 41000003001 Contractor ABN
4 FamilyName string 40 Yes John Employee Family Name
5 FirstName string 40 Yes Peter Employee First Name
6 OtherName string 40 Rob Employee Other Name
7 DateofBirth String Format : ddMMYYYY 26071980 Employee Day of Birth
8 AddressLine1 string 38 Yes Walker Street 1 Employee Address Line 1
9 AddressLine2 string 38 Mall Road Employee Address Line 2
10 Suburb/Town string 46 Yes Sydney Employee Suburb/Town
11 State/Territory string Yes NSW Employee State/Territory
12 Postcode Int Yes 1001 Employee Postcode
13 Country string Yes Australia Employee Country
14 Email string 200 Employee E-mail Address
15 PhoneNumber string 16 Employee Phone Number
16 CommencementDate String Format : ddMMYYYY 11022017 Employee Commencement Date
17 CessationDate String Format : ddMMYYYY 11022018 Employee Cessation Date
18 PayrollStartDate String Format : ddMMYYYY Yes 10042018 Period Start Date
19 PayrollEndDate String Format : ddMMYYYY Yes 30042018 Period End Date
20 IsFinalEvent Boolean String Final Event Indicator: Yes/No
21 IndividualNonBusinessGrossPayment Decimal (13,2) Employee Gross Payments (YTD)
22 IndividualNonBusinessCDEPPayment Decimal (13,2) Employee CDEP Payment Amount (YTD)
23 IndividualNonBusinessTaxWithheld Decimal (13,2) Employee Total INB PAYGW Amount (YTD)
24 IndividualNonBusinessExemptForeignIncome Decimal (13,2) Employee Exempt Foreign Income Amount (YTD)
25 VoluntaryAgreementGrossPayment Decimal (13,2) Employee Voluntary Agreement Gross Payment (YTD)
26 VoluntaryAgreementTaxWithheld Decimal (13,2) Employee Total Voluntary Agreement PAYGW Amount (YTD)
27 LabourHireArrangementGrossPayment Decimal (13,2) Employee Labour Hire Gross Payment (YTD)
28 LabourHireArrangementTaxWithheld Decimal (13,2) Employee Total Labour Hire PAYGW Amount (YTD)
29 SpecifiedByRegulationGrossPayment Decimal (13,2) Employee Other Specified Gross Payments (YTD)
30 SpecifiedByRegulationTaxWithheld Decimal (13,2) Employee Total Other Specified Payments PAYGW Amount (YTD)
31 JointPetroleumDevelopmentAreaGrossPayment Decimal (13,2) Employee JPDA Foreign Employment Income Gross Amount (YTD)
32 JointPetroleumDevelopmentAreaForeignTaxPaid Decimal (13,2) Employee JPDA Foreign Employment Income Foreign Tax Paid (YTD)
33 JointPetroleumDevelopmentAreaTaxWithheld Decimal (13,2) Employee Total FEI JPDA PAYGW Amount (YTD)
34 WorkingHolidayMakerGrossPayment Decimal (13,2) Employee Working Holiday Maker Gross Payment (YTD)
35 WorkingHolidayMakerTaxWithheld Decimal (13,2) Employee Working Holiday Maker PAYGW Amount (YTD)
36 ForeignEmploymentGrossPayment Decimal (13,2) Employee Gross Payments Foreign Employment (YTD)
37 ForeignEmploymentForeignTaxPaid Decimal (13,2) Employee Foreign Employment Income Foreign Tax Paid (YTD)
38 ForeignEmploymentTaxWithheld Decimal (13,2) Employee Total FEI PAYGW Amount (YTD)
39 EmploymentTerminationPaymentCode String R,O,S,P,D,B,N,T ETP Code – Must be any one from the following:R = ETP made because of one of the following: early retirement scheme, genuine redundancy, invalidity, or compensation for personal injury, unfair dismissal, harassment, or discrimination.
O = Other ETP not described by R (for example: golden handshake, gratuity, payment in lieu of notice, payment for unused sick leave, or payment for unused rostered days off).
S = ETP code R payment received in the current year and received another ETP (code R or code O), or a transitional termination payment, in an earlier income year for the same termination of employment.
P = ETP code O payment received in the current year and received another ETP (code R or code O), or a transitional termination payment, in an earlier income year for the same termination of employment.
D = Death benefit ETP paid to a dependant of the deceased.
B = Death benefit ETP paid to a non-dependant of the deceased and a termination payment was made to the non-dependant in a previous income year for the same termination.
N = Death benefit ETP paid to a non-dependant of the deceased.
T = Death benefit ETP paid to a trustee of the deceased estate.
40 EmploymentTerminationPaymentDate String Format : ddMMYYYY 30042018 Employee ETP Payment Date
41 EmploymentTerminationPaymentTaxFreeComponent Decimal (13,2) Employee Termination Payment Tax Free Component (YTD)
42 EmploymentTerminationPaymentTaxableComponent Decimal (13,2) Employee Termination Payment Taxable Component (YTD)
43 EmploymentTerminationPaymentTaxWithheld Decimal (13,2) Employee Total ETP PAYGW Amount (YTD)
44 LumpSumPaymentACode String R,T Employee Lump Sum Payment A Type – Must be any one of the following:R = where payment was for a genuine redundancy, invalidity or under an early retirement scheme.
T = where payment was not a payment for a genuine redundancy, invalidity or under an early retirement scheme.
Blank fill this field if Lump sum payment A field is zero.
45 LumpSumPaymentA Decimal (13,2) Employee Lump Sum Payment A (YTD)
46 LumpSumPaymentB Decimal (13,2) Employee Lump Sum Payment B (YTD)
47 LumpSumPaymentD Decimal (13,2) Employee Lump Sum Payment D (YTD)
48 LumpSumPaymentE Decimal (13,2) Employee Lump Sum Payment E (YTD)
49 AllowanceTypeCode String Allowance Type – Must be any one of the following:Car = Car expense allowance.
Transport = Award transport payments up to reasonable amounts.
Laundry = Laundry allowances.
Meals = Award overtime meal allowance.
Travel = Domestic or overseas travel allowance above the reasonable limit and all overseas accommodation allowances.
Other = All other allowances for expected deductible expenses.
50 OtherAllowanceType String 40 Other Allowance Type
51 AllowanceAmount Decimal (13,2) Employee Allowance Amount (YTD)
52 DeductionTypeCode String Deduction Type – Must be any one of the following:
Fees, Workplace Giving
53 DeductionAmount Decimal (13,2) Employee Deduction Amount (YTD)
54 SuperLiabilityAmount Decimal (13,2) Super Guarantee Amount (YTD)
55 OrdinaryTimeEarningsAmount Decimal (13,2) Yes OTE Amount (YTD)
56 ReportableEmployerSuperContribution Decimal (13,2) Reportable Employer Super Contribution (YTD)
57 ReportableFringeBenefitsTaxableAmount Decimal (13,2) Employee RFB Taxable Amount (YTD)
58 ReportableFringeBenefitsExemptAmount Decimal (13,2) Employee RFB Exempt Amount (YTD)
59 TerminatedIndicator Boolean String Employee Terminated Indicator:
60 ResidencyStatus String Employee Residency Status – Must be any one of the following:
Resident = Resident
Non-Resident = Non-Resident
Working Holiday Maker = Working Holiday Maker
61 PaymentBasisCode String F,P,C,L,S Employee Employment Type Code – Must be any one of the following:
F = Full time payees; P = Part time payees; C = Casual payees; L = Labour hire payees; S = Pension or Annuity payees
62 IsTaxFreeThresholdClaimed Boolean String Employee Tax Free Threshold Claimed:Yes/No
63 StudyAndTrainingLoanRepaymentIndicator Boolean String Employee Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) Indicator:
64 SFSSIndicator Boolean String Employee Student Loan Indicator:
65 DeclarationAcceptedIndicator Boolean String Employee Declaration Acceptance Indicator:
66 DeclarationSignedDate String Format : ddMMYYYY 1005218 Employee Declaration Date
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